On Ruben Vardanyan’s arrest or why Izho was not arrested
Director of Genesis Armenia Think Tank and Foundation,
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Abraham Gasparyan made a
Facebook post referring to Ruben Vardanyan’s arrest and to the issue of why
Samvel Babayan was not arrested while crossing the same checkpoint as
Gasparyan noted that Azerbaijan can, on the one hand, let
Samvel Babayan leave for Armenia so that he will keep an eye on the
“revanchists” from Karabakh, thus doing a service to Baku and helping Pashinyan
hold his power at the same time. On the other hand, Azerbaijan can arrest Ruben
Vardanyan and then carefully leak its agreements with Babayan through Telegram
“And they will probably leak the information from Russian
Telegram channels to further deepen anti-Russian sentiments in Armenia. This is
a simple political strategy, which Nikol’s propagandists often adopt on their
masters’ orders.
Let’s not forget that the Russian side can, as usual, take
advantage of the slip-ups and rash decisions of the two opposing sides and
disclose the full dossier of contacts and correspondence between Izho (Samvel
Babayan’s nickname) and Azerbaijan through its anti-Nikol media in Armenia.
Well, and Russian officials get utterly cynical, and cheapen and discredit
themselves. And it’s rather funny that D. Peskov and M. Zakharova go as far as
to throw in R. Vardanyan’s face the fact that he is not a Russian citizen. And
those officials who, after Nov. 9, called land-ceding nikol a “brave leader”
are engaged in this very task… Stop it. That’s a shame!
An adherent of governorate (gubernia), a British colonialist,
a globalist, or the consensus candidate of the West and Moscow, etc… Stop
focusing on your attitude toward that person, on your sympathy or dislike for
him. Focus on the very fact that it’s the former state minister of Artsakh who
has been arrested and publicly labeled as a “terrorist”. I personally condemn
Vardanyan’s arrest. Moreover, I will not demand that the RA Ministry of Foreign
Affairs— I doubt if such an agency still exists— do anything, as their
intervention will further complicate the situation,” Gasparyan wrote.
At the end of the post, turning to Samvel Babayan, Abraham
Gasparyan asked him why his name was not put on the list presented by