20 Sep
17.4° c YEREVAN
Catholicos Garegin II: We should make every effort to save the Armenians of Artsakh from new disasters

Catholicos Garegin II: We should make every effort to save the Armenians of Artsakh from new disasters

Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
Armenians, His Holiness Garegin II delivered a message on the Independence Day
of Armenia, which reads: “Our preoccupation is with Artsakh, against which,
after intimidation, oppression and a nine-month total blockade, Azerbaijan
resumed full-scale hostilities, pursuing its genocidal policy with bloody

His Holiness Garegin II turned to the RA
authorities, noting that our people in Artsakh are now facing grave threats to
their existence. 

“We call on the authorities of our country,
national institutions, and political and public figures to make every effort to
save the Armenians of Artsakh from new disasters. We need unity to be able to
overcome hardships and to rise from the ashes; we need undying devotion to be
able to ensure the state’s security and to become strong; we need a sense of
responsibility and national consciousness to be able to defend our national and
state interests and to fulfill our cherished dreams,” he said.

As the Catholicos stated, the people of
Artsakh are shouldering a heavy responsibility and, unfortunately, are bearing
the heavy cross alone.

“Our pain and sorrow are common, our hearts
are heavy with sorrow and grief for our losses,” the Catholicos wrote.