19 Sep
17.2° c YEREVAN
John Kirby: Washingtom has called on Azerbaijan to immediately stop the hostilities

John Kirby: Washingtom has called on Azerbaijan to immediately stop the hostilities

Washington is deeply concerned about the military operations
undertaken by Baku and has called on Azerbaijan to immediately stop the
hostilities. According to Voice of America, National Security Council
Coordinator for Strategic Communications in the White House John Kirby said
this in his press conference.

John Kirby hopes that the hostilities will cease. As he
said, the U.S. has noted many times that the use of force is utterly
unacceptable and acts against efforts to create the necessary conditions for
peace in the region.

“The U.S. is in close contact with its allies and partners
with regard to this issue and is carefully following the developments,” he