Central Electoral Commission announces results from all 475 precincts as of 10:00 a.m.
The Public Voice Party: 9.68%
The Civil Contract Party: 32․57%
The Fair Armenia Party: 1.12%
The Victory Party: 1.71%
The Strength of the Fatherland Party: 0.74%
The European Party of Armenia: 1.11%
The National Progress Party of Armenia: 18․89%
For Social Justice Party: 0.34%
The Hanrapetutyun (“Republic”) party: 11.32%
The United Armenia Party (Armenia): 0.55%
The Bright Armenia Party: 1.8%
The Democratic Consolidation Party: 1.01%
The Country of Living Party: 3.64%
The Mother Armenia Alliance: 15.43%
The number of eligible voters in Yerevan is 824,250. In
fact, 28.44% (234,436 people) voted in the elections.
For parties, the electoral threshold is 4%, while in the
case of alliances, it is 6%.
Thus, five political forces have won seats on the Yerevan
Council of Elders, namely
The Civil Contract Party: 32․57%,
The National Progress Party of Armenia: 18․89%,
The Mother Armenia Alliance: 15.43%,
The Hanrapetutyun (“Republic”) party: 11.32%,
The Public Voice Party: 9.68%.