22 Oct
6.3° c YEREVAN
Azerbaijan’s political leadership has made no secret of their strategic objectives to seize Armenia

Azerbaijan’s political leadership has made no secret of their strategic objectives to seize Armenia

We saw with our own eyes where the Azerbaijani forces have
encroached into your Armenian land. We also traveled to the hills above the
Lachin corridor. We saw the convoy of 20 trucks prevented from delivering
life-saving supplies to Artsakh. Member of the British House of Lords Baroness
Cox said this in today’s press conference. 

Baroness Cox noted that the indigenous Armenian Christian
population of Artsakh now face increasing possibility of ethnic and religious
cleansing from their historical lands, while the international community
remains silent.

“And yet not one nation has responded to the requests and
pleas from the Armenian people. A question, therefore, arises who from the
international community would resist Baku’s territorial claims of Yereva, or Lake
Sevan, or Zangezur. Azerbaijan’s political leadership has made no secret of
their strategic objectives to seize your homeland,” Baroness Cox added. 

She expressed concern about the indifference of

“I and very many others are deeply saddened by the actions
of international powers, who continue to apply pressure on the Republic of
Armenia to accept Azerbaijan’s sovereignty over Artsakh,” Baroness Cox noted.