07 Oct
17.1° c YEREVAN
We will continue to work for the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination: Aram I to Artsakh president

We will continue to work for the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination: Aram I to Artsakh president

Catholicos of Cilicia Aram I congratulated Samvel
Shahramanyan on being elected president of the Republic of Artsakh.

“In these times of trouble for the Armenians of Artsakh, it
is important that the unblocking of Artsakh and the exercise of its people’s
rights become the common goal of the Armenian nation. We have channeled and
will continue to channel all our efforts into defending the right of the people
of Artsakh to self-determination at an international level. The Catholicosate
of the Great House of Cilicia and its dioceses have always stood by the
Republic of Artsakh, its brave army and heroic people. The Holy See of Cilicia
reaffirms its support for the Republic of Artsakh,” reads the message.