17 Mar
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Armenian students win 3 bronzes in 35th International Olympiad in Informatics

Armenian students win 3 bronzes in 35th International Olympiad in Informatics

The 35th International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI 2023)
was held in Szeged, Hungary from Aug. 28 to Sept. 4, 2023. Three hundred and
fifty-five students from 89 countries participated in the Olympiad. Each
country could be represented by a maximum of four students. 

The RA MoESCS reports that 12th-grader Samvel Abelyan and
10th-grader Tsovak Yegoryan from PhysMath School and 12th-grader Hamlet
Petrosyan and 10th-grader Gagik Gevorgyan from Quantum College represented
Armenia in the Olympiad.

Tsovak Yegoryan and Samvel Ableyan from PhysMath School and
Gagik Gevorgyan from Quantum College won bronzes. 

Armen Andreasyan and Samvel Andreasyan from YSU led the
Armenian team. 

The Olympiad consisted of two rounds with three tasks each.

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