20 Sep
21.2° c YEREVAN
Catholicos congratulates Davit Ishkhanyan

Catholicos congratulates Davit Ishkhanyan

The Catholicos of All Armenians sent his blessings and
congratulations to newly elected Artsakh NA President Davit Ishkhanyan. 

“You take up this important position in times most
difficult and troubled for Artsakh since its independence, in times when the
people of Artsakh have been facing an actual blockade for about eight months on
account of the constant Azerbaijani aggression,” reads Catholicos Garegin
II’s message. 

The Catholicos wished Davit Ishkhanyan strength, power and
sturdiness to be able to channel every means, potential and effort into the
security, freedom and independence of the people of Artsakh.