15 Mar
20.3° c YEREVAN
Expert on Azerbaijani Studies: Aliyev says that they not only will continue to keep  Lachin corridor, but also will leave people to starve

Expert on Azerbaijani Studies: Aliyev says that they not only will continue to keep Lachin corridor, but also will leave people to starve

Yesterday, in his extensive interview with China Media
Group, the president of Azerbaijan noted once again that the security and
rights of the people of Artsakh can be ensured solely under the Constitution of
Azerbaijan. He also stated that the Azerbaijani enclaves in Armenia must be
ceded to Azerbaijan.

Expert on Azerbaijani Studies Aram Poladyan noted in his
meeting with ABC Media that the underlying message of Aliyev’s statements was
that either Armenians will live the way Azerbaijan wants, or will not live at
all. Moreover, Azerbaijan not only will not open the Lachin corridor, but also
will leave people to starve and will continue to arm for war.

The expert noted that, parallel to Aliyev’s interview, Zakir
Hasanov visited Turkey to get acquainted with new military technology there.
Meanwhile, journalists from different countries are denied entrance into
Artsakh via the Lachin corridor. This information is confirmed even by the
Azerbaijani media.

Prisoners of war