28 Sep
Artsakh NA factions: Any changes regarding the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination can be made solely by popular will

Artsakh NA factions: Any changes regarding the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination can be made solely by popular will

All factions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh welcome the Hayakve legislative initiative launched by Hamakhmbum (Consolidation) movement and wish them every success. Artsakh National Assembly made a statement on this.

The statement reads: 

“In the unprecedented situation created in the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh, this legislative initiative is meant to prevent the fulfillment of any aspirations to infringe the inalienable right of the people of Artsakh to exercise their popular will. It highlights the fundamental principle that every Armenian should be actively involved in the process of addressing crucial issues concerning the fate of their Homeland. The status of Artsakh, and accordingly, the protection of the fundamental rights of the people of Artsakh to live in security must be the key component of the internal and foreign policy of the Republic of Armenia. We are full of hope that as a result of reasonable and considerable steps, Hayakve will occupy a crucial role in the above-mentioned spheres. This initiative is a perfect example of people’s power, as the expression “All power belongs to the people” is not just an empty slogan, but a powerful instrument to be used.

Artsakh will not surrender to the enemy. We will not allow them to unashamedly refer to our just struggle for national liberation and our fundamental rights guaranteed by universal norms of law as “terrorism.”

Based on the fact that national issues must be addressed solely by national procedures, it should be noted once again that the will of the people of Artsakh to be free and independent is enshrined in 1991 NKR Declaration, in 1991 referendum results and in 1992 State Independence Declaration of NKR.

Any changes, regarding the right to self-determination exercised by the people of Artsakh, can be made solely by popular will. Thus, individuals and particular circles have neither competence nor authority to decide key issues of national character.

May God protect our Homeland and compatriots.

Free Motherland – UCA faction

United Motherland faction

Justice faction

Armenian Revolutionary Federation faction

Democratic Party of Artsakh faction