29 Sep
17.2° c YEREVAN
Russian ambassador visits Gegharkunik 

Russian ambassador visits Gegharkunik 

Russian Ambassador to Armenia Sergey Kopirkin was in Gegharkunik Province on an official visit and met with Deputy Governor of the Province Vahan Zaroyan.

The parties talked about the main directions of the Armenian-Russian humanitarian and regional cooperation, in particular, the cooperation between Gegharkunik Province and Russian oblasts in the fields of education and communication.

“This year, Armenia is presiding over the EAEU, and we greatly appreciate its contribution to the development of the union and the common market,” Kopirkin noted.

They also talked about the settlement of issues facing the people displaced from Artsakh.

Vahan Zaroyan noted that 6,800 people from Artsakh have settled in the province. The government will soon start building a residential complex for them.

He thanked the Russian diplomatic mission for cooperation and greatly appreciated the programs being implemented.