29 Sep
20.1° c YEREVAN
Tongue-lashing in Parliament, rallies in Armenia: Past day recapped

Tongue-lashing in Parliament, rallies in Armenia: Past day recapped

Rallies in Tavush and Yerevan: The situation was tense outside the Voskepar village hall yesterday. The residents of the village have been worried after Pashinyan’s visit: they gathered near the village hall to raise their voice of protest. They say they are not going to leave Voskepar. Nikol Pashinyan took the maquette of the territory of Armenia to the National Assembly this time. He again talked about the delimitation with Azerbaijan, claiming that Baghanis Ayrum and Verin Voskepar have never been in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

The question-and-answer session with the Government did not go without incidents: tongue-lashing, mutual insults.

Details in the video: