12 Mar
20.2° c YEREVAN
Syunik former governor’s son taken into custody; Charge changed

Syunik former governor’s son taken into custody; Charge changed

Tigran Khachatryan, son of the former governor of Syunik
Province, has been taken into custody. The charge brought against him has been
changed. Spokesperson for the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Gor
Abrahamyan said this. 

“Within the framework of the criminal proceedings,
investigated in the Syunik Regional Investigative Department of the RA
Investigative Committee, considering the conclusion of the forensic medical
examination, a new charge has been brought against T. Khachatryan under Article
335, Part 1, Article 297, Part 3, and Article 167, Part 2, Clauses 6, 8 and 12
of the RA Criminal Code,” Abrahamyan wrote. 

He noted that Tigran Khachatryan has been taken into

“Talking with a 46-year-old tire salesman, using the
slightest opportunity to underline his superiority, he provoked an argument
with the employees of the automobile repair shop and hurled personal insults at
them. Then, with a blatant disregard for the rules of coexistence, disturbing
the peace in the neighborhood, in a manner dangerous to the life or health of
other people, he fired in the direction of a 46-year-old man, causing him a
moderate bodily injury. Afterward, he left the scene of the incident and left
Goris,” the spokesperson of the Investigative Committee wrote.

Prisoners of war