21 Sep
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Al Jazeera: Israel did not allow humanitarian aid trucks to enter the Gaza Strip

Al Jazeera: Israel did not allow humanitarian aid trucks to enter the Gaza Strip

The Israeli authorities did not allow trucks carrying humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip, Al Jazeera reports.

On April 7, 322 trucks carrying humanitarian aid were allowed to enter the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom and Rafah border crossings. They transported food, water, sugar, flour and basic necessities. However, as Al Jazeera notes, none of these vehicles were allowed to enter the northern part of the Palestinian enclave, despite the promise of the Israeli military to ensure the flow of humanitarian supplies to the population in the north of the region.

Al Jazeera also reports that the humanitarian supplies reaching the Gaza Strip remain insufficient. Until the breakout of hostilities in October 2023, 400 to 500 aid trucks a day used to arrive in the Gaza Strip.