02 Jul
24.2° c YEREVAN
Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan: Today we, as a nation, are once again going through our fateful Sardarapat

Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan: Today we, as a nation, are once again going through our fateful Sardarapat

I fully support Archbishop Bagrat’s initiative. I support Archbishop Mikael. I fully support the call and statement of the Supreme Spiritual Council of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Today, we, as a nation, are once again going through our fateful Sardarapat. Today, the Armenian bells should ring loudly in our souls, because the time has come to sober up and wake up. We have had enough of unilateral concessions. The enemy’s appetite is insatiable. Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, the former primate of the Diocese of Artsakh, currently Pontifical envoy-at-large by Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, made a statement on this.

“Why won’t we demand that the enemy leave the territories of Armenia that it has occupied? Why won’t we reclaim our Artsvashen? Why won’t we demand that our POWs and Artsakh leaders be released? Why are we unilaterally clearing mines? Why should we remove Mount Masis from our coat of arms? Why should we change our Constitution? When should we draw lessons from our history: whom to believe and whom not? How long will the “proud” Armenian citizen live in humiliation? For six years on end, we have been witness to the defeats of the political leadership, which has been trying to justify its actions through demagoguery. Stop scaring us with the threat of war so that you can continue to cling to your seats. One had better die with honor than live in slavery.

It is high time we restored our dignity and Aryan spirit. The time is good to create devoted and pro-Armenian authorities, who will become the ruler of our state and people. Yes, throughout history, our Mother Church has often had to wake our people up, to unite them and lead them to salvation. I believe in the potential of Armenians and their consciousness.

May God bless the Armenian Nation and Army, our State and Mother Church,” Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan noted.