18 Oct
11.1° c YEREVAN
Arshak Poladyan awarded medal for “Services to the Motherland”

Arshak Poladyan awarded medal for “Services to the Motherland”

Armenian diplomat, historian, orientalist Arshak Poladyan has been awarded First Degree Medal for “Services to the Motherland”.

“Considering the motion put by the Prime Minister under Article 136 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and Article 5.3, Part 1 of the Law “On State Awards and Honorary Titles of the Republic of Armenia”, Arshak POLADYAN, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the Republic of Tunisia and the Kingdom of Morocco, is awarded First Degree Medal for “Services to the Motherland” for his long-term impeccable diplomatic activity,” reads the decree signed by the President.