Shushan Petrosyan: This is our final “battle”; It is the Church that has united people, when the country is teetering on the brink of a loss of statehood

Shushan Petrosyan: This is our final “battle”; It is the Church that has united people, when the country is teetering on the brink of a loss of statehood

For how many years have I been patiently waiting for this decisive moment? But I think the time is ripe and the end of this evil must be put, singer Shushan Petrosyan told ABC Media.

“A new period in Armenian history must begin, and, of course, many tough challenges and trials lie in store for us. We have to start anew, and when evil leaves and love returns, everything can be overcome. I would like to know, the singers who have not come, when all this is over, how will they look into the eyes of our young people and sing about the Homeland? We have to be ready all the time; we shouldn’t wash our hands and sit at home, waiting for it to end. The Apostolic Church is our largest institution; this is our final ‘battle’,” Petrosyan said, adding that it is the Church that has united people when the country is teetering on the brink of a loss of statehood.