30 Sep
23.1° c YEREVAN
Tourists to be awarded food and drink in Copenhagen for riding bike or picking litter

Tourists to be awarded food and drink in Copenhagen for riding bike or picking litter

From July 15 to Aug. 11, tourists in Copenhagen will be rewarded with free food and activities if they participate in environmentally friendly tasks, such as litter-picking, traveling by public transport or biking around the city, the BBC writes, referring to the city’s tourist board.

Under the initiative, visitors can claim free lunches, coffees, glasses of wine and kayak rental in return for their work.

The scheme is designed to offset the “environmental burden” of tourism, according to the Copenhagen tourist board.

The project is “trust-based”, meaning attractions are unlikely to ask for proof that the green activity has been completed. “In some attractions you might have to show a picture of you riding a bike, or of your public transportation ticket,” the city’s tourist board said.