20 Sep
19.3° c YEREVAN
Mher Grigoryan: The demarcation and delimitation process will take a long time, even a year

Mher Grigoryan: The demarcation and delimitation process will take a long time, even a year

The demarcation and delimitation process will take a long
time, as the process is quite complex. Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Mher
Grigoryan said this to the press and added that no agreement has been reached
regarding the upcoming meeting.

He did not rule out the possibility that the work of the
commissions may even take years.

“I cannot rule it out. During the meetings, each of the
parties presents a map, legal documents, defining the borders. Then a
discussion begins. Of course, this cannot be done in relation to one border; it
must be done piece by piece,” Grigoryan said.