11 Oct
24.2° c YEREVAN
Russia calls on Baku and Yerevan to show caution and channel efforts into finding solutions

Russia calls on Baku and Yerevan to show caution and channel efforts into finding solutions

At a press briefing, Andrey Nastasin, the deputy director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, drew attention to “the important things that are going on around Armenia and in the region, i.e., the active actions of the West aimed at severing the ties formed in the South Caucasus”.

“The Westerners are trying to destabilize the region, to turn it into another hub of tension. To this end, they are trying to enter all spheres of our multilateral relations. Special attention is paid to the security issue. We have repeatedly mentioned the intelligence mission of the EU in Armenia. Russia stands for the solution of all controversial issues between Armenia and Azerbaijan exclusively through diplomatic and political means. In order to avoid escalation, we are calling on Baku and Yerevan to show caution, avoid military rhetoric, and channel efforts into finding mutually acceptable solutions that will contribute to early peace and prosperity in the South Caucasus,” the official said.

Nastasin noted that the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is protracted and “there are refugees from both sides”. According to him, Russia stands for a strong and stable peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.