20 Sep
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Turkish analyst talks about Russian-Ukrainian peace talks’ possible start

Turkish analyst talks about Russian-Ukrainian peace talks’ possible start

The people of Ukraine are preparing for a referendum and peace talks with Russia, which are likely to begin in mid-December, Turkish analyst Engin Ozer told RIA Novosti.

“Throughout the conflict, since the Istanbul talks, there has never been a process where peace would be so close at hand. Although Zelenskyy said they cannot be called peace talks, he noted that Russia could be invited to a peace conference, which is a rather significant step. Zelenskyy made another important statement as well, stating that important decisions about the war should be made by the people,” Ozer noted.

According to the analyst, the stances of the parties on peace talks are still far from each other.

“Apparently, the process took place after the emergence of the possibility of Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. elections. The Kyiv administration is sure that if such a scenario unfolds, military aid possibilities will decrease. That is why both sides are trying to strengthen their positions in the zone of conflict,” Ozer said.