20 Sep
18.1° c YEREVAN
Turcotte: Hell continues in Stepanakert; Ethnic cleansing is the face of Azerbaijan

Turcotte: Hell continues in Stepanakert; Ethnic cleansing is the face of Azerbaijan

Armenian American philanthropist and candidate of Juridical Science Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte posted a video of Stepanakert on X, writing: “Hell continues in Stepanakert, Artsakh. Azerbaijani government sources write: ‘The city continues to be cleansed of garbage.’ We, Armenians, know what they mean. Ethnic cleansing. These are homes of 150K Armenian civilians who were forced to flee their homeland to never return. Just like 350K Baku Armenians in early 90s. This is the face of Azerbaijan.”

Turcotte was born in Baku. In 1990, during the Baku pogroms, she moved to Armenia. After a short while, with her family, she left for the U.S. In 2021, she became the first refugee woman to be elected to the post of Westbrook City Council president. Astvatsaturian lectured on international law and Armenophobia in Azerbaijan in various U.S. states.