20 Sep
20.1° c YEREVAN
Hungary blocks €50 billion EU aid for Ukraine

Hungary blocks €50 billion EU aid for Ukraine

Hungary has blocked €50 billion in EU aid for Ukraine. This
happened just hours after an agreement had been reached on starting talks with
Ukraine on EU membership, the BBC writes.

EU leaders have announced the aid negotiations will resume
early next year. Ukraine also expects additional U.S. aid worth $61 billion.
However, the U.S. Congress still fails to pass that package bill. 

Hungary, which has close ties with Russia, had earlier
opposed Ukrain’s membership in the EU. However, it did not veto the decision to
start talks with Kyiv. The BBC reports that Orban left the negotiating room in
a seemingly pre-agreed manner, while the other 26 EU leaders went on with the

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced that in the
military operations with Russia, Ukraine is greatly dependent on EU and U.S.