20 Sep
19.1° c YEREVAN
Public transport employees go on strike in Netherlands

Public transport employees go on strike in Netherlands

In three major cities of the Netherlands, namely in Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam, public transport employees went out on a mass strike this morning, Proficiale Zeeuwse Courant (PZC) writes.

According to the newspaper, the strike lasted from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. local time. During that time, buses and trams did not operate in the cities, while in Amsterdam and Rotterdam even the subway was out of operation.

According to GVB, the reason for the strike was the dissatisfaction of the employees due to frequent night shifts, irregular schedules and tough working conditions. At the same time, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol demanded that the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions  maintain train traffic between the airport and the cities during the strike.