Cocoa-free chocolate: Scientists in search of ways to make chocolate healthier
The chocolate industry is having a meltdown. Cocoa prices have doubled since the start of the year, as crops in West Africa — which produces 80% of the world’s cocoa — have been hit by droughts made worse by climate change, CNN writes.
As a result, processing plants have stopped or scaled down production, while major manufacturers have raised prices. This recent crisis adds to other problems with chocolate production; cocoa is one of the leading drivers of illegal deforestation and there has been evidence of child labor and slavery in cocoa farms.
In addition, growing cacao trees also requires a lot of water.
One way to tackle these problems is to make chocolate without using cocoa beans. Cocoa-free chocolate is already available but scientists around the world are looking for new ways to make it greener and healthier, using new techniques and ingredients.