12 Mar
10.1° c YEREVAN
Pashinyan, who rejects “isms” by his nature, has proven many times that there is no value beyond his own power, let alone state interest

Pashinyan, who rejects “isms” by his nature, has proven many times that there is no value beyond his own power, let alone state interest

RPA Council member Armen Hovasapyan wrote an article, referring to Nikol Pashinyan’s today’s speech at the U.N. General Assembly.

The article is presented below:

“As a rule, during such global forums, an attempt is always made not to miss the opportunity and to publicize the immediate problems facing a state and a people, because this is a format that is also a suitable opportunity to place the number one agenda in the general geopolitical agenda.

Let us note that there have been hundreds of such incidents in the history of the U.N. General Assembly. We all remember Che Guevara’s famous speech in 1965 regarding the Cuban crisis, the difficult financial situation of the people and the cruel policy of the U.S. in this regard, Khrushchev’s legendary shoe-banging incident, Castro’s speech, etc. This shows that the U.N. serves as a good platform to raise an existing issue and present it to global community, but it is a phenomenon that does not fit into Pashinyan’s “patriotic” narratives, so he would prefer to avoid talking about the concepts that serve the Armenian agenda and give himself up to the questions of the vision of the future.

It is very important to consider an episode in this general puzzle, about which information was spread by the press the other day. The other day, Senior Vice President for Policy Research at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Dan Baer, ​​the former U.S. ambassador to the OSCE, noted that “Armenians must be ready to endure cold winters; we must be ready to maintain our support for a long time.” In other words, they may once again try to convince Pashinyan in New York to try to convince him to take even more extreme and drastic steps in the matter of Armenian-Russian relations, leading the country on the path of Ukrainization. It is natural that the pattern of Pashinyan’s actions and steps will not be so fast and sharp, but they will gradually “pat his head” to hit their targets.

So there is a big risk that Pashinyan will be presented with another series of unpleasant and painful concessions for us on the margins of his visit to New York, and the latter will undertake to implement them. The only reason for such an attitude is Pashinyan’s toothless political nature, when they are able to easily convince and get their desired result—various government officials of the Republic of Armenia have repeatedly noted in their speeches that “if necessary, they will live without electricity and gas”.

Here it is very important to note that in fact Pashinyan does not present himself as a factor, but as a tool, when he is used by his geopolitical patrons on any suitable occasion in carrying out the operation they like. A tool that is primarily directed against Armenians and Armenianness and serves exclusively the interests of foreigners—when every time in order to be politically re-imposed, he goes door-to-door and licks the shoes of different geopolitical poles, and the given pole, considering the situation and the moment uses Pashinyan, giving appropriate instructions and being sure that it will come to life without hindrance.

Pashinyan, who rejects “isms” by his nature, has proven many times that there is no value beyond his own power, let alone state interest.

Armen Hovasapyan.”

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