20 Sep
Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan: The future of Artsakh depends on what we do for the release of its leadership

Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan: The future of Artsakh depends on what we do for the release of its leadership

As long as the former officials of Artsakh and POWs are
imprisoned, the future is gloomy both for Armenia and Artsakh. Political
scientist Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan made a Facebook post on this. 

“The future of Artsakh largely depends on our collective
attitude toward the fact that the enemy has put the leaders of the second
Armenian republic in prison. Armenians from all over the world should
unanimously fight for the immediate release of Bako Sahakyan, Arkadi Ghukasyan,
Arayik Harutyunyan, Davit Ishkhanyan, Ruben Vardanyan, Davit Manukyan, Levon
Mnatsakanyan and Davit Babayan. It goes without saying that the issue of the
rest of our POWs cannot be overlooked. However, the leaders’ release is a major
priority,” the expert wrote. 

As Melik-Shahnazaryan noted, if we want to retain the right
to fight for Artsakh in the future — and what’s more, to raise the issue of
status — that very fight must not stop for a second.

“Regardless of all objective and subjective circumstances,
these people have established the standard of our national dignity. As long as
they are imprisoned, the future is gloomy both for Armenia and Artsakh. There
is no need for a long talk over this. Instead, we should think of ways to
settle this issue.

I repeat once again that the future of Artsakh depends on
this. I believe that it can be bright again,”  Melik-Shahnazaryan wrote.