20 Sep
16.2° c YEREVAN
Ombudsman’s special report on results of fact-finding activities at registration centers of displaced persons from Nagorno Karabakh

Ombudsman’s special report on results of fact-finding activities at registration centers of displaced persons from Nagorno Karabakh

Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) of Armenia Anahit Manasyan
has produced a special report on the results of the fact-finding activities
conducted by her and the staff of the Human Rights Defender’s office at the
registration centers of forcibly displaced persons from Nagorno Karabakh, as
well as the analysis of individual conversations held with displaced persons.

In the report, the Defender summarized and analyzed the
information obtained as result of fact-finding activities regarding the crimes
and atrocities committed by the Azerbaijani armed forces, documented the
evidence of forcibly displaced persons, targeting of ambulances, and violations
of the rights of children and women. The cases of targeting civilians, as well
as vital infrastructures, and the damage caused to the property of individuals
were also presented.

The report, among others, is another summary of evidence and
analysis that confirms the policy of ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh,
which is also the result of a systematic policy of Armenaphobia at the state
level in Azerbaijan.