12 Mar
On ‘Western Azerbaijan’ propaganda discourse

On ‘Western Azerbaijan’ propaganda discourse

Genesis Armenia has published an article, which makes reference to one of Azerbaijan’s propaganda campaigns, namely the issue of calling the territory of the Republic of Armenia “Western Azerbaijan”, thereby creating preconditions for unleashing military aggression.

Gevorg Galtakyan’s article is presented below:

From the ideas presented below regarding the discourse on “Western Azerbaijan” in the statements of Heydar and Ilham Aliyev, it can be concluded that the military termination of the existence of the Republic of Artsakh in its territory by Azerbaijan was perhaps the next, but not the last, act against Armenianness performed by the Azerbaijani state. At the moment, at least in terms of propaganda, the process of Azerbaijanization of the Republic of Armenia can be seen as the next task.

The main ideas raised in H. Aliyev’s speeches in this regard:

a) The territory of Armenia is a historical Azerbaijani territory, but Azerbaijan “does not have its eye” on the territories of Armenia [23.02.1994].

b) The Republic of Armenia, namely Irevan (Yerevan), Goyce (Gegharkunik), Zangibasar, Zangezur are Western Azerbaijan [10.12.1998; With this very speech, H. Aliyev laid the foundation for the “Western Azerbaijan” discourse].

c) As a result of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict that broke out in 1988, Azerbaijanis living in Armenia were deported, but such developments are taking place in the world and in the region—including the strengthening of the capabilities of the state of Azerbaijan—which will necessarily lead to the return of these refugees to their birthplace [13.09.2002].

The main ideas raised in I. Aliyev’s speeches in this regard:

a) The territories of Armenia are historical Turkic and Azerbaijani lands, but we do not lay territorial claims, although we can [09.03.2007].

b) Uniting with Nakhijevan and Turkey through Western Zangezur (Syunik) should be our next historical achievement [10.05.2021].

c) Armenia is Western Azerbaijan, from where Azerbaijanis were deported. Moreover, these Western Azerbaijanis will undoubtedly return to their birthplace [30.09.2024].

Both H. Aliyev’s and I. Aliyev’s speeches are undoubtedly aimed at the demolition of the statehood of the Republic of Armenia in both demographic and historical-political aspects. The formulations about territorial integrity are undoubtedly just a diplomatic tactic, and the issue of the settlement of Azerbaijanis in the Republic of Armenia in the “Peace treaty” negotiations is a precondition aimed at crushing that process from the outset.

In a footage posted on “Qərbi Azərbaycan” (“Western Azerbaijan”) Telegram Channel, there are direct and indirect threats to the Republic of Armenia: In the case of a failure to establish Azerbaijani local government bodies, to found a parliamentary faction and schools and to ensure the return of Azerbaijanis who used to live in the Armenian SSR to the Republic of Armenia, to create a state of Western Azerbaijan on the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

Undoubtedly, this is used as a backup—perhaps a casus belli—to “legitimize” a possible military intervention against Armenia. Moreover, chairman of the Western Azerbaijan Community, A. Alakbarli, hints at threat as well. [02.10.2024]: “If Armenia continues its destructive actions, and if it refuses to negotiate with us on the return to Western Azerbaijan, we will move on to our next steps.”

Thus, it can be noted that the propaganda discourse on “Western Azerbaijan” will still be used in the rhetoric of the leadership of Azerbaijan until the military-political balance is restored so that pseudo-historical dreams will no longer be part of the public discourse.

Prisoners of war