20 Sep
16.2° c YEREVAN
Russian and Turkish deputy foreign ministers discuss Armenian-Azerbaijani relations normalization

Russian and Turkish deputy foreign ministers discuss Armenian-Azerbaijani relations normalization

On March 13, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin held consultations with his Turkish counterpart, Burak Akcapar, in Ankara.

The officials discussed the Ukrainian conflict, including the prospects of its political and diplomatic settlement. In this regard, the Russian side noted that the “collective West” led by the U.S. needs to stop supplying weapons to the Kyiv regime.

The sides compared their views on the situation in the South Caucasus. They highlighted the importance of the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan within regional formats.

Some aspects of the Russian-Turkish agenda, including issues related to the deepening of cooperation between Moscow and Ankara, were also touched upon.