21 Sep
22.4° c YEREVAN
Nikol Pashinyan versus historical Armenia: Key points of Pashinyan’s statements

Nikol Pashinyan versus historical Armenia: Key points of Pashinyan’s statements


  • Before the 44-day war, by and large, there was a public and political consensus in Armenia that historical and real Armenias can not only cooperate, but also strengthen each other. This perception was understandable, acceptable and even favored for the ruling majority, and for me personally.


  • The government and I personally have come to the conviction that historical Armenia and real Armenia are not only incompatible, but are often at odds with each other and even create serious threats to each other.


  • Only after the September 2022 war, I became unequivocally convinced that the defining of the internationally recognized territory of the Republic of Armenia can become an additional and decisive factor in ensuring the short-term, medium-term and long-term security of our country.


  • The process of delimitation between real and historical Armenias is not easier than the process of delimitation between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan.


  • Historical Armenia is in line with a number of countries that have aspirations for the sovereignty, independence, and territories of real Armenia.


  • Historical Armenia, by the way, is of key importance for our relations with a number of countries. It is a guarantee of our lasting enmity with a group of countries, and it is a guarantee that those countries will have a reason and an explanation for pursuing an aggressive policy toward us.


  • Historical Armenia is also a guarantee that we will not have the ability and knowledge to live in our environment without help from without, and thus we will always need a sponsor, an elder friend.


  • Our vision of historical Armenia will always lead us to the trap of genocide, where we will need a savior and patron.


  • Because of the fear of genocide, we will maintain the status of an outpost.


  • We must focus on the task of serving the interests of real Armenia, noting the crucial impossibility of ever returning to the approaches and thinking of historical Armenia in the future.


  • Does border delimitation in Tavush guarantee security? It does not, but the refusal to address the issue guarantees a continuous increase in security threats.