Zakharova: Pashinyan insisted in 2020 that the hostilities should continue

Zakharova: Pashinyan insisted in 2020 that the hostilities should continue

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova commented on Nikol Pashinyan’s statement, where he said that two CSTO states helped Azerbaijan prepare for war against Artsakh in 2020.

“I would like to know what countries are meant. Are we to figure this out ourselves, or will they tell us later? It would be logical if the names were given. Russia did everything so that, as Vladimir Putin said, Armenia would not feel abandoned or forgotten. From the very first day of the war, Russia took all diplomatic and political steps to achieve a ceasefire,” Zakharova noted.

She noted that in October 2020, it was possible to end the hostilities. The president of Russia had persuaded the president of Azerbaijan to stop the war. The latter agreed, but the prime minister of Armenia insisted that the hostilities should continue, which in fact led to the conquest of Shushi.