19 Sep
17.3° c YEREVAN
Toivo Klaar: Yerevan and Baku lack the political will to finalize the peace treaty

Toivo Klaar: Yerevan and Baku lack the political will to finalize the peace treaty

Most of the draft peace treaty has already been agreed upon. The only thing missing is the political will, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the Crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar said in an interview with jam-news.net.

“We are excited by the recent intensive exchange of projects and the recent trilateral meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers and U.S. Secretary of State Blinken on July 10, 2024, in Washington.

We strongly believe that a final agreement on the outstanding issues and wording is within reach.

The peace treaty and its further implementation will fundamentally change the situation in the region. I believe that the leaders also share this point of view and will make all necessary efforts to reach a final agreement on this issue,” Klaar said.