20 Sep
15.3° c YEREVAN
Zakharova: The US and its satellites in Europe interfere in the domestic affairs of sovereign states in the South Caucasus without a twinge of conscience

Zakharova: The US and its satellites in Europe interfere in the domestic affairs of sovereign states in the South Caucasus without a twinge of conscience

The West is promoting a destructive agenda in the South Caucasus, which is aimed at dividing the region and destroying historical ties with Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova told RIA Novosti.

Commenting on O’Brien’s words, Zakharova noted that “of course, such honest confessions by high-ranking American officials engaged in foreign policy have attracted our attention. However, they did not cause surprise”. According to Zakharova, the American official “only confirmed what we regularly talk about and have warned our partners, including Yerevan. The West is promoting a destructive agenda in the South Caucasus, which has a sole aim: to divide the territory of the region, destroying the historical ties of Russia with its traditional allies and neighbors”.

As Zakharova noted, the statements of the U.S. that Armenia wants to turn its back on Russia are groundless, and the ties between Russia and Armenia, formed over centuries, will stand all the tests the West tirelessly poses. In the South Caucasus, the U.S. seeks to control the resource base and use the transit potential, Zakharova noted. She added that “trying to tear the republics of the South Caucasus, including Armenia, from Russia, the U.S. and its satellites in Europe interfere in the domestic affairs of sovereign states without a twinge of conscience. “Under good pretexts, they are trying to take over the state administration system, concentrate control over the resource base, and use the transit potential,” she noted.