20 Sep
16.2° c YEREVAN
International media: Armenia and Brussels have just started the visa liberalization dialogue, but Armenia is already raising the issue of EU membership

International media: Armenia and Brussels have just started the visa liberalization dialogue, but Armenia is already raising the issue of EU membership

The EU will abolish the visa regime for Armenian citizens only after the Armenian authorities undertake significant reforms in key areas, Deutsche Welle writes.

Despite intensifying contacts between Yerevan and Brussels, no one can predict how long it will take to implement all the reforms. In Brussels, they believe that they will last for several years, while Yerevan is already raising the issue of possible EU membership, RBK writes.

Armenia’s rapprochement with the EU takes place amid the freezing of relations with Russia and the suspension of membership in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). Moscow criticizes the EU, but interprets the actions of the Armenian leadership with caution.