19 Sep
19.3° c YEREVAN
Zatulin: Building relations with Pashinyan is the same as building relations on sand

Zatulin: Building relations with Pashinyan is the same as building relations on sand

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s statement that Armenia has frozen membership in the CSTO because that organization has created threats to the sovereignty and statehood of the republic was discussed during the program “Bolshaya Igra” (“Большая игра”) on Russia-1.

Konstantin Zatulin, the first deputy chairman of the Committee of the State Duma for the CIS and Relations with Russian Nationals Abroad, noted that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan made anti-Russian statements even when he was still a journalist and was not in politics.

According to Zatulin, Pashinyan insisted that it is necessary to move toward the West, and in that regard, he is consistent.

“Building relations with Pashinyan is the same as building relations on sand,” the official noted.

He said that even before becoming prime minister, Pashinyan wrote that it was necessary to forget the heroism of the Armenian people, the victims, the Armenian Genocide.

“He doesn’t need it at all. He wants to convince Armenians that even the Armenian church is a foreign agent,” Zatulin said.