25 Feb
-3.9° c YEREVAN
Genesis Armenia Think Tank: We must preserve independence by creating a combat-ready army, a government with the political will to protect the borders

Genesis Armenia Think Tank: We must preserve independence by creating a combat-ready army, a government with the political will to protect the borders

The anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia is first of all a day of revaluation and reporting of achievements, failures, and also an opportunity to look back at the independence ideas and the determination to build a free, just and sovereign state.

It is indisputable that the biggest failure of these years is the temporary loss of Artsakh. The tremendous loss of social justice, the terror of free speech and thought, state corruption, the politics of persecution characteristic of a police state, the vulnerable protection of state borders, the inability to control the occupied sovereign territories, the intolerance provoked in society, and internal insecurity have led to the rapid decline of democracy and created an atmosphere of indifference to fight for one’s rights.

The state, without a vision of ​​the integrity of the Homeland, is a soulless body, and an independent state, without a value and moral profile, is doomed to enslavement and colonization.

As a result of decades of tireless and consistent political struggle of the children of our people from May 28, 1918, on Sept. 21, a great opportunity for development and consolidation of national potential was created, as well as unspeakable security and existential challenges, which we overcame, not yielding the agenda of Armenian rule of law to abundant life. The liberation of Artsakh and the protection of the borders of the Republic of Armenia was the main mission of the Armenian people and the newly created state, which was realized at the cost of endurance, deprivation, sacrifices and martyrdom of thousands of our compatriots.

Let us note that independent statehood is not only borders and state institutions; it is the expression of the collective will and memory of being a political nation of Armenians to keep and modernize their own identity, language, culture, and traditions without compromising their vital national-state interests.

The pillar of independence is justice, equality, freedom and democracy—the highest and uncompromising values ​​that all successive state authorities are obliged to maintain and preserve.

The coming months and years will be full of severe global and regional security and military-political challenges. The fate of our state will be determined by the combat capability of the army, the determination to preserve sovereignty and territorial integrity, the uninterrupted and purposeful functioning of the state system, and the power that prioritizes national and state interests.

Genesis Armenia Think Tank and Foundation