06 Oct
18.3° c YEREVAN
Alen Simonyan and Azerbaijan’s Milli Mejlis president to meet in Geneva

Alen Simonyan and Azerbaijan’s Milli Mejlis president to meet in Geneva

Armenian National Assembly President Alen Simonyan and Azerbaijani Milli Mejlis President Sahiba Gafarova will hold a bilateral meeting on the margins of the 149th IPU Assembly to be held in Geneva in October 2024 to discuss efforts aimed at peace in the region, IPU Director of Communications Thomas Fitzsimons told RIA Novosti.

“On Oct. 13–17, a bilateral meeting of the presidents of the parliaments of Armenia and Azerbaijan will take place on the margins of the 149th IPU Assembly in Geneva.

The exact date of this meeting is not yet known.

Their meeting aims to introduce an element of parliamentary diplomacy to peace efforts in the region,” Fitzsimons said.