20 Sep
16.3° c YEREVAN
“The Neighbor’s ally is beautiful” or how to interest allies?

“The Neighbor’s ally is beautiful” or how to interest allies?

A great war has broken out. The never-ending
Israeli–Palestinian conflict gained momentum on Oct. 7 with Palestine’s Islamic
Resistance Movement’s “surprise” attack on the settlements under Israeli

Against this backdrop, many regional and non-regional actors
were quick to condemn or support one of the sides. However, the U.S. reaction
was rather impressive. 

In a conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu, U.S. President
Joe Biden said that Washington was ready to provide Israel with the necessary
military assistance. U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stated that they
were sending USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier, a missile cruiser and four
missile destroyers to the region.

U.S. assistance to Israel does not end here. It will be
continuous and will not stop even if the war ends. This is what U.S.
high-ranking officials keep announcing. 

It has been three days since the above-mentioned events
started to pose some challenging questions for the “experienced” officials of a
small but a “proud” country located far from the coasts of Gaza. And these
officials are trying to find solutions to these questions in Paris, Brussels
and even in Granada. 

The questions are as follows: 

Did Israel apply to the U.S. in writing or verbally? 

Did the U.S. Senate hold an emergency session? 

Was a monitoring group set up?

Were delimitation and demarcation activities

What is the speed of the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft

It is not difficult to predict the “proud diplomats’”
conclusion regarding these issues. “We have a bad ally, they have a good
one,” they will say. There is no escaping the fact that their ally is really a
good one: beautiful and stylish. However, if we think hard, we will realize
that ours is no less attractive, especially when it comes to Kazakhs or

Perhaps the chemistry between them is unique, which our
“mountain people’s masculine spirit” is not able to understand. We are not into
sentimental things. Who cares about love? Let us not forget about our time-honored
bashikyartma (an old tradition of children’s pre-engagement by their parents at
a young age): after all, our union was formed back in 1997. 

“It’s the 21st century, people,” our ally says and adds that
it really wants to restore relations but already with a state of another
quality: a state that will be interesting, will move with the times, will be
mature and will not blame others for its own mistakes. It is also important
that it does not appear in old brothels in search of new emotions — or at least
that he does not attend the parties. In the end, they want a state for which it
will be worth waging a war. 

However, there is a silver lining to this: states like ours
do not choose their allies. And this is great, as we usually do not follow our
mind, but our…


Vazgen Badalyan