07 Oct
19.2° c YEREVAN
Day 2: Full-scale offensive against Artsakh (updated)

Day 2: Full-scale offensive against Artsakh (updated)


Artsakh Ombudsman: As a result of the Azerbaijani aggression
in Artsakh, at least 200 casualties have been reported; 400 people have been



Artak Beglaryan: At least 5 children have been killed in

Foreign State Minister of Artsakh Artak Beglaryan provides
updates on the number of children killed and wounded in Artsakh.

“The video story of 7-year-old Ruzan Hayrapetyan injured by
Azerbaijani shelling in Sarnaghbyur. My interviews with some injured children
and their relatives discovered new cases. At least 5 children have been killed
and 13 wounded.” he wrote.



Russian peacekeepers killed in Artsakh 

Russian peacekeepers’ car came under fire near Chankatagh,
the Russian Defense Ministry reports.

“On Sept. 20, fire was opened from small arms on the
Russian peacekeepers’ car on its way back from the observation post. The
servicemen were killed as a result,” the ministry noted.



Russian Defense Ministry announces agreement on complete
cessation of military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh mediated by

The complete cessation of military operations in
Nagorno-Karabakh will be carried out in coordination with the command of the
Russian peacekeeping contingent.



Artsakh authorities accept Russian peacekeepers’ proposal
for ceasefire 

The authorities of the Republic of Artsakh accept the
proposal of the command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent for a ceasefire,
the Artsakh InfoCenter reports.



As of now, 32 casualties have been reported, including seven
civilian casualties (two children). More than 200 have been wounded, including
35 civilians (13 children). The RA Ombudsman said this․


Former Artsakh Ombudsman Artak Beglaryan: The numbers of
casualties and the wounded are rapidly growing



Artsakh Defense Army: Fighting continues in Artsakh 

Fighting continues with varying intensity along the contact,
Artsakh Defense Army reports. 

Using different caliber firearms, the Azerbaijani Armed
Forces tried to advance, targeting civilian infrastructure as well.

The Artsakh Defense Army is offering stubborn resistance to
the Azerbaijani armed forces, inflicting losses on them.



Artsakh Foreign Ministry: At the moment, Stepanakert and
other settlements are under intense artillery and rocket bombardment, and air

The Republic of Artsakh demands that the international
community take all necessary measures to immediately put an end to the
Azerbaijani military aggression.



Artsakh Ombudsman: Around 5:00 a.m., the Azerbaijani Armed
Forces fired at the ambulance of Stepanakert’s morgue

The ambulance was sent to the Martakert region in order to
transport 8 bodies to the capital. The driver of the ambulance got injured and
is currently not able to evacuate the bodies to Stepanakert.



Artsakh Defense Ministry: Fighting continued with varying
intensity along the contact line

Using different caliber firearms, the Azerbaijani Armed
Forces tried to advance, targeting civilian infrastructure as well. The Artsakh
Defense Army is offering stubborn resistance. 



Artsakh Ministry of the Interior: The settlements of Artsakh
remain a direct target of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces

Stepanakert and other settlements in the republic have been
under air and rocket artillery strikes for about an hour.



At the moment, Stepanakert and other settlements are under
intense artillery and rocket bombardment, and air strikes

Fighting continued with varying intensity along the contact
line throughout the night.

Using different caliber firearms, the Azerbaijani Armed
Forces tried to advance, targeting civilian infrastructure as well.

Twenty-seven casualties have been reported: 7 civilians,
including a child.

Thirty-five civilians, including children, have been