Vagif Kahachatryan’s daughter: According to the ICRC, my father is in hospital in Baku. But have they asked me if I want my father to be there?
“You must help us get my father back safe and sound.
Everyone’s father could have been in his place. Vera Khachatryan, daughter of
Vagif Khachatryan, who was abducted by Azerbaijan, said this today during the
protest action outside the U.N. office.
“I’m seeking information about my father. I’m asking
for help. If the U.N. has representation in Armenia, this office has
obligations to fulfill. My sister received a call from the ICRC and was told
that they had seen my father in hospital in Baku. Have they asked me if I want
my father to be there? I appeal to everyone and even to the Prosecutor’s Office
of Azerbaijan to check once again the information they provided. It has nothing
to do with reality. I demand that not only the U.N. office, but also everyone, help
me get my father back. No one has the right to call him a criminal,” she