29 Sep
18.4° c YEREVAN
54,800 people join Hayakve

54,800 people join Hayakve

The number of signatures necessary for the first stage of
the Hayakve initiative crossed the minimum threshold. Fifty-four thousand five
hundred people joined the initiative within four weeks.

According to the coordinator of the initiative, Avetik
Chalabyan, they came across many obstacles in some of the provinces.

“In a number of provinces, KP members intimidate people
and threaten them with stabbing their children with a knife, with dismissals,
etc.” Chalabyan said.

Sixteen thousand people joined the initiative this week.

The signature collection will continue for another week.

Initially, eight weeks were allocated for the initiative.
However, on account of crossing the minimum threshold before that, Hayakve will
enter the second stage.

Throughout the initiative, the coordinators drew attention
to the obstacles caused by the RA authorities. Despite all this, the members of
Hayakve find the results satisfying.