21 Sep
16.3° c YEREVAN
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Macron is playing with fire by discussing the possibility of military intervention in the conflict in Ukraine

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Macron is playing with fire by discussing the possibility of military intervention in the conflict in Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron is playing with fire by discussing the possibility of sending a military contingent to Ukraine, Director of the Second CIS Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Aleksey Polishchuk said in an interview to TASS.

“Such talks cannot but cause anxiety. Politicians calling for military intervention in Ukraine are playing with fire,” the diplomat said, commenting on the French president’s statements.

According to him, many Western politicians sacrifice the national interests of their own countries for the political situation and electoral interests.

“It seems that they do not realize the danger of escalation and the increase in risk. This is called political infantilism. Our warnings about the possible consequences of arming the Kiev regime are being ignored,” Polishchuk noted.

Earlier, Macron announced that the possibility of sending ground troops to Ukraine was discussed at a meeting held in Paris with the participation of representatives of about 20 Western countries. According to him, the participants failed to reach a consensus on this, but such a scenario cannot be ruled out in the future.