Metaxe Hakobyan: We need to go back to the beginning, to Artsakh, so that we will have Tavush, Syunik, Gegharkunik, Armenia…

Metaxe Hakobyan: We need to go back to the beginning, to Artsakh, so that we will have Tavush, Syunik, Gegharkunik, Armenia…

MP Metaxe Hakobyan from the Artsakh NA Artsakh Justice Party writes: 

“First, Artsakh, now Tavush, tomorrow Syunik, Gegharkunik…and how much we don’t know yet!

We need to go back to the beginning, to Artsakh, so that we will have Tavush, Syunik, Gegharkunik, Armenia…

We must cancel the zero point. That is possible.”