19 Sep
18.1° c YEREVAN
ARF Supreme Body member Gerasim Vardanyan to remain in custody

ARF Supreme Body member Gerasim Vardanyan to remain in custody

The Criminal Court of Appeal of the Republic of Armenia rejected the special review complaint filed by the lawyers against the decision to keep Gerasim Vardanyan in detention for one month. The judge is Arsen Nikoghosyan, Sose Chandoyan wrote about this on her social media account.

At 5:00 p.m. tomorrow, a discussion of the motion to extend Gerasim Vardanyan’s term of detention will take place in the Avan seat of Yerevan city court.

To remind, early in the morning on June 15, the house of Gerasim Vardanyan, a member of the ARF Supreme Body, was searched. After the search, Vardanyan was summoned to the Investigative Committee.

“For about three days, a recording appeared in the press; they are making arrests, linking them to me. More than a dozen people have already been arrested under a 72-hour regime, including two women, from whom they are trying to extract testimony, as they want to extract testimony from our compatriots in the prisons of Baku. I should mention that this is within the framework of the criminal case brought against me; one person is being taken into custody today on the charge of assisting me, but no criminal proceedings have been initiated against me,” Vardanyan told the press.

On the same day, Gerasim Vardanyan was arrested in front of the Investigative Committee and taken to the Kanaker-Zeytun Police Department.

To remind, Gerasim Vardanyan has been in prison for three months.