20 Sep
21.4° c YEREVAN
Former Iranian official: In the turmoil of news streams, let us not forget about the Russian conspiracy to close the Iranian border through the Zangezur corridor

Former Iranian official: In the turmoil of news streams, let us not forget about the Russian conspiracy to close the Iranian border through the Zangezur corridor

In the turmoil of news streams, let us not forget about the Russian conspiracy to close the Iranian border through the Zangezur corridor, Heshmatullah Falahatpisheh, the former head of Iran’s foreign and security policy committee, wrote.

“The previous government sacrificed the deal for the sake of Russian interests in Ukraine. The new government should not fall into the trap of a policy of one-sided friendship with Moscow.

“The Zangezur corridor is Putin’s initial attack aimed at preventing the creation of channels between the new Iranian government and the U.S.,” Falahatpisheh wrote.