29 Sep
The previous station is Meghri: The abandoned station of Meghri: Photos

The previous station is Meghri: The abandoned station of Meghri: Photos

Everyone is waiting in Armenia. Everyone and everything. They are waiting for everyone and everything, like this station. This is the Meghri section of the Yeraskh-Ordubad-Meghri-Horadiz-Baku railway. The railway has not been running for a long time; only a few rail pieces and this abandoned station have been left. Having sent off its last passenger, the station is waiting for the next one, not even realizing that the next one may bring disaster to an entire state. Standing as the silent witness of the once glorious past of the Soviet years, it speaks with remnants from the past, with bits of posters and the safe of the box office, where none other than Nzhdeh’s daughter used to sell tickets to customers. That is what the locals say.

Aghvan Asoyan