Opening of the Akna (Aghdam) road is an existential threat for Artsakh Armenians and not an alternative to the Berdzor (Lachin) corridor:  “Tatoyan” Foundation issues urgent report

Opening of the Akna (Aghdam) road is an existential threat for Artsakh Armenians and not an alternative to the Berdzor (Lachin) corridor: “Tatoyan” Foundation issues urgent report

Former Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) of Armenia Arman
Tatoyan made a Facebook post, noting that an urgent report on the Artsakh issue
has been prepared. 

“Opening of the Akna (Aghdam) road is an existential threat
for Artsakh Armenians and not an alternative to the Berdzor (Lachin) corridor,”
Tatoyan noted. 


“A. The corridor guarantees the preservation of ethnic
Armenian identity.

 B. An Akna road would circumvent the legal
prohibitions against Azerbaijan as established in the corridor.

 C. Azerbaijan’s circumvention of its international
security obligations as to the corridor will derail any negotiated

The Akna Road Will Be Used by Azerbaijan in Furtherance of
Its Anti-Armenian Policies

 A. Azerbaijan will use the Akna road to make the
Corridor obsolete.

 B. Azerbaijan will use the Akna road to effectuate the
complete dependence of the Artsakh Armenians on Azerbaijan.

 C. The Akna road will become a tool for Azerbaijan’s
oppression of the Artsakh Armenians.

 D. Azerbaijan will use the Akna road to execute
military operations inside Artsakh Proper.

 E. Azerbaijan will use the Akna road to conduct
unfettered abductions of Artsakh Armenians.


The Akna Road Invites the Very Real Prospect of
Arbitrariness and Unhindered Conduct by Azerbaijan 

 A. The Akna road would have no third party checks and
balances on Azerbaijani authority or conduct

 B. There will be no internal controls on arbitrariness

 C. The opening of the Akna road will legitimize
Azerbaijan’s impunity and remove transparency as the only remaining check
against arbitrariness. 

This urgent report was prepared in direct collaboration with
US criminal lawyer Garo Ghazarian and international lawyer Karnig Kerkonian,”
Tatoyan wrote.

Full version of the report: