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Hamas launches full-scale offensive against Israel (updated)

Hamas launches full-scale offensive against Israel (updated)

Oct. 12

– The U.S. Secretary of State is already in Israel. Video

– Blinken has left for Israel. Details:

Oct. 11

– Israeli strikes on Gaza have left over 1 million people
without water supply. Details

– Hamas has announced a rocket attack on the city of Haifa
in Israel. Details

– A unity government will be formed in Israel. Details:

– Putin: We have always been in favor of the creation of an
independent, sovereign Palestinian state. Details here

– The Palestinian Hamas movement has razed to the ground the
city of Ashkelon near the Gaza Strip. Photos here

– The death toll in Israel is over 1200 and 950 in the Gaza
Strip. Details

Oct. 10 

– Borrell: Some of Israel’s actions contravene international
law Details:

-Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Israel has used
internationally prohibited white phosphorus munitions against Palestinians.

– The Israeli naval ships have shelled the Port of Gaza.

– Another rocket attack was launched on Israel from Lebanon.

– Putin: To settle the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, it is
necessary to create an independent, sovereign Palestinian state Details:

– France has recognized Hamas as a terrorist organization.

– The situation in the Israeli city of Ashkelon now. 

– Hamas is firing rockets on the Israeli city of Ashkelon.

– Egypt has closed borders with Gaza and Israel. Details

-Israel has announced that it launched over 200 strikes on
the Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip. 

– The aftermath of the Israeli strikes on Gaza. Photos

October 9

– The U.N. called on Israel to observe international
humanitarian law. Details

– Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces: The
Defense Forces are in the offensive phase Details

– Israeli Foreign Ministry: We have not entered into any
negotiations with Hamas Details

– Prime Minister of Lebanon: We do not want to go to war
with Israel Details:

– Israel has launched an air raid on Lebanon. Details

-The Arab sources report that Former Prime Minister of
Israel Ehud Barak has left the country. Photo

-Gallant: Israel is imposing a total blockade on the Gaza
Strip, cutting off food, fuel and electricity supplies.

– New footage from Gaza. Video here

-The strikes of the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip. Video

-The consequences of the Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip.
Video here

-Following the Hamas offensive against Israel, the U.S. is
sending military ships to the region. U.S. President Joe Biden called the
current events “unprecedented and appalling”.

-A mosque in Gaza has collapsed as a result of an Israeli
rocket strike. Video here:

-Hundreds of music festival participants were found dead in
the south of Israel

– The number of victims in Palestine has reached 436,
including 91 children.

– The U.N. Security Council held an emergency session amid
the war between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

– Gaza early in the morning. Video here

Footage from the Hamas attack on Ben Gurion Airport in Tel

-Rocket attack on Ashkelon continues. Video here

– The Israeli city of Ashkelon is now under rocket attack.
Video here

– Hamas attacked Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. 

– The sky in Israel now: Air raid siren keeps sounding.
Video here

– Israel continues to deploy heavy military equipment along
the border with Lebanon. Video here


October 8

– Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip. Video here

– The north of Gaza now. Video here

-The Israeli army carries out strikes on Gaza

-“Ceasefire cannot be considered as long as Israel escalates
the war,” Spokesman for Palestine’s Hamas Resistance Movement Hazem Qassem

-The Palestinian forces attacked another Israeli military
base. Video here

– Gun battles continue on the streets of Israel. Video here:

– “Israel has requested additional military assistance from
the U.S,”Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. 

– Israel has officially declared a state of war. 

– Hamas urged all anti-Israeli forces to attack Israel.

– The consequences of the Israeli army strikes on Gaza.
Video here

– Footage from the air raid from Gaza by Al-Qassam Brigades.
Video here

– A terrorist attack planned by Hamas militants was averted
in the center of Tel Aviv. Video here:

– The Israeli army has launched attacks on Lebanon

– The mass media reports that Hezbollah is launching rockets
from Lebanon on Israel

– The Raim settlement and the military base that have been
completely under the Palestinian control since yesterday. Video here

– The convoy of the heavy military equipment of the Israeli
army. Video here

– The Israeli army hits civilian infrastructure in Gaza.
Video here

 – Hamas has killed the commander of the “Nahal”
Brigade of the Israel Defense Forces. Video here:


October 7 

– Hezbollah militants have approached the Israeli border in
the north, the Israeli sources report. Video here

– The Ministry of Defense of Israel has published a video
showing the deployment of its military units in the border zone. Video here

– Palestine’s Islamic Resistance Movement has occupied an
Israeli military base. Video here

– This is neither an operation, nor an escalation. This is
war. Palestine is going to pay dearly for that. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu said this. 

– Palestinians are capturing resettled Jews and taking them
to Gaza.Video here

– Palestinians keep taking Israelis captive. Video here

– The Jews are leaving Tel Aviv en masse; war is declared.
Video here

– The Ministry of Defense of Israel has published a video
showing attacks on the Hamas militants. Video here

– Palestinian fighters have captured members of the Israeli
military during the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation


– A female soldier of the Israeli army has been captured and
taken to the Gaza Strip. Video here


– Israel’s response strikes on the center of the Gaza Strip.
Video here


– The Palestinians use excavators to demolish the fence
separating the settlements between the Gaza Strip and the Israeli border


– Palestinians have shot down an Israeli tank and have
captured its crew. Video here

– The strike attack on Israel: Photos

– Israel’s strike on Gaza. Video here:

– Hamas militants have infiltrated into the territory of
Israel, announcing that this is going to be the greatest battle. Battles are
also going on in the territory of the country. Video here

– A large-scale attack on Israel. Rockets were fired from
the Gaza Strip, and militants have infiltrated into the country. Video here


Hamas launches full-scale offensive against Israel (updated)

The Israeli army has launched military operations in the
Gaza Strip in response to the rocket attack on its territory. Before that,
Israel had announced a state of alert. However, the Israeli media consider the
operations a real war. Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant has announced a
total call-up of the reserve forces.

The rocket attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip has been
going on since 6:30 a.m. Air alarm signals have rung in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
One casualty has been reported. 

The invasion of the south of the country by Palestinian
militants has been reported as well. They took control of the police station in
the city of Sderot.

The Israeli army has confirmed the invasion as well. The
Hamas movement claimed responsibility for the attack. In the past two years,
Hamas has avoided direct clashes with Israel. The statement issued by the
movement reads that the aim of the military operations is the creation of a
Palestinian state.